Page | 001 May21,2019 CoUNTY oF Los ANGELES ~~~~~I9E) ALEXVILLANUEVA, SHERIFF The Honorable Board of Supervisors County of Los Angeles 383 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration 500 West Temple Street Los Angeles, California 90012 Dear Supervisors: EXTEND THE TERM OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT NUMBER 60701 WITH PALANTIR TECHNOLOGIES, INC. TO PROVIDE SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT (ALL DISTRICTS) (3 VOTES) CIO RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE (X) APPROVE WITH MODIFICATION () DISAPPROVE ( ) SUBJECT The Los Angeles County (County) Sheriff's Department (Department) is requesting authorization from the Board to execute Sole Source Amendment Number One (Amendment) to extend Sole Source Contract Number 60701 (Contract) with Palantir Technologies, Inc. (Palantir) for continued maintenance and support of Palantir's proprietary Gotham TM business intelligence tools utilized by the Department's Joint Regional Intelligence Center (JRIC). IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE BOARD: 1. Approve and instruct the Chair to sign the attached Amendment to the Contract with Palantir to among other things: (1) extend the term of the Contract for three additional years plus three one-year Option Terms beyond the current expiration date of May 31, 2019; and (2) increase the Maximum Contract Sum by $14,595,093.90. 211 WESTTEMPLESTREET,LosANGELES,C.ALIFoRNIA90012 uri ffuuliGon o/ .9e'Wlce "--!Jiim:e .f850 ----::>