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Palantir Technologies OMB 2024 01756

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RE: Response to the Office of Management and Budget on “Request for Information: Privacy Impact Assessments” (OMB-2024-01756)
To Whom It May Concern:
Palantir Technologies Inc. (“Palantir”) is a U.S.-based software company that provides a Platform which enables public, private, and non-governmental organizations to integrate, analyze, and collaborate on their data in a secure and privacy-protective way. We are proud to make software that enables the institutions that serve our societies to use their data responsibly and effectively. Palantir was founded in 2003 on the conviction that it is essential to preserve fundamental principles of privacy and civil liberties while enabling our customers to more effectively use their data. It is for this reason that Palantir established one of the world’s first Privacy & Civil Liberties (“PCL”) Engineering teams more than a decade ago, specifically to focus on the development of privacy- protective technologies and to foster a culture of responsibility around their development and use.
Our response to this Request for Information (“RFI”) is based on insights gathered over 20 years of experience building technology to uphold and enforce ethical and accountable practices in the use of our software products, including Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) enablement tools and platforms, as well as other advanced data analytics capabilities.
Palantir has contributed extensively to the conversation on privacy, civil liberties, and civil rights implications with software systems generally,1 and particularly in more recent public forums related to the growing prominence and appropriate use of AI technology.2 Our contributions to these discussions have included responses to other RFIs and RFCs to the Federal Trade Commission, National Telecommunication and Information Administration, Office of Science and Technology Policy, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Office of Management and Budget both preceding and following from the Executive3Order 14110 on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence.
We are grateful to OMB for the opportunity to contribute to the present effort. We welcome any request for clarification and look forward to additional PIA guidance that may emerge from this initiative.
Courtney Bowman, Global Director of Privacy and Civil Liberties Engineering, Palantir Technologies
Arnav Jagasia, Privacy and Civil Liberties Engineering Lead, Palantir Technologies Morgan Kaplan, Senior Policy & Communications Lead, Palantir Technologies
1 See our complete lis�ng of Privacy and Civil Liber�es related public policy contribu�ons: htps://www.palan�
2 See our complete lis�ng of Ar�ficial Intelligence policy contribu�ons: htps://www.palan��r-ai- policy-contribu�ons/.
3 htps:// and-use-of-ar�ficial-intelligence.

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